Tuesday, August 16, 2011

On Life as a "Bonus Mom"

Been a while since I wrote a bit on here. Long story short, I left that job where I had to constantly stifle my inner Scout Finch, I let go of some old ties/obligations that were no longer serving me well...

and I married my "Yes Man" on June 25, 2011... you'll remember him from some previous posts.

And I became a stepmom to two crazy, loving, and sometimes VERY independent-thinking kids. Well, I became a "Bonus Mom," rather. That's what Ellie Russo called it... and it had a nice ring to it. So I decided to use that title from here on out. Thanks, Ellie.

It's kinda weird... I've been down this road before. Unfortunately, I never was quite able to make a connection with my former stepdaughter. Poor kid - she was always caught in the middle of trying to please both parents... and although it hurt, I couldn't help but understand to some degree what she was going through in her young life.

But this time, it's feeling right. I'll be the first to say I really feel terrified at times that I'm going to screw it up... but I look to John (their dad and my biggest encourager) for reassurance, and I feel a little better.

It seems that just when I start to think I'm losing my pace...I am set back on track by a little nine-year-old "squeeze hug" that happens for no particular reason at all... or a sweet little wave from an eleven-year old boy (who at that age wouldn't be caught DEAD showing affection like that) that says, "You're okay with me, Leigh."